Gender Pay Report
Total Pay (Mean) 7% Bonus Pay (Mean) 55%
Total Pay (Median) -9% Bonus Pay (Median) 46%
The above outlines the % difference in the average total pay of men vs average total pay of women employed by the Vibe Recruit on the 5th April 2023. Our current median gender pay gap is -9%
It also displays the % difference in the average bonus payments made to men and women over a 12 month period.
A higher proportion of women received a bonus payment than that of a man during the twelve moth period between 6th April 2022 -5th April 2023.
The above illustrates the gender distribution within the 4 equally sized pay bands.
We are confident that men and women are paid equally for doing equivalent jobs across our business. We are committed to reducing our gender pay gap and providing greater opportunities for women to progress into senior positions.
I confirm that our data has been calculated according to the requirements of The Equality Act 2010 (Gender Pay Gap Information) Regulations 2017.
Joyce Sutton
Finance Directo