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Quality Policy


This policy is designed to ensure that the Company encompasses all of its customer and administrative responsibilities required to ensure that the provision of its service is efficient, effective and meets customer approval.  To meet this commitment, the Company will control the quality of its offerings and services and comply with recognised standards. This policy is strengthened by the application of a formal documented quality system and by working towards the requirements of the current ISO standard (ISO 9001:2018).

The level of quality from which the Company operates is derived, not only from the needs and expectations of the client, but also from more generally defined standards and codes of practice. This is consistent with the sound economic practice that ensures client satisfaction and maintains the Company’s leadership in its field.

Our services must meet the needs of our customers, compliance bodies and all appropriate legislative requirements. Quality of service within the Company is considered the responsibility of each and every person involved with business activity. Our goal is to get things right first time, every time and get everyone involved in continuous quality improvement through the regular and systematic review of our systems.

Company Directors are totally committed to these objectives and realise that without the provision of client satisfaction we cannot be confident in the future of our business. Our commitment is demonstrated by ‘leading from the front’ and ensuring that we regularly set and review quality objectives, which are consistent with delivering customer satisfaction and the continuous improvement of the quality system.


This policy has been developed alongside other Company procedures to reflect the way we work, and these are complemented by the use of the Itris CRM database for recruitment.

The Company considers the Itris CRM database to be our main recording tool for demonstrating the effective operation of this system. All documents within the quality system are subject to review and approval prior to use.  


The Directors of the Company take their responsibilities for quality assurance very seriously and understand the importance of having a quality system which adds value to the organisation and is dynamic in its nature. In this respect every opportunity is taken to reinforce the importance of the system in as a means of assuring customers of consistently high levels of service. Every member of staff should be aware of this quality policy and the quality system itself.

We recognise that in our customers’ eyes we are only as good as our last placement and we therefore have to constantly evaluate what we do well and what can be improved, particularly from our customers’ perspectives. We see the development of effective customer feedback and evaluation of service as key to our ongoing success as a business and we have a variety of mechanisms in use to provide us with the data we need.

The Company Directors are committed to ensuring all of our systems comply with all relevant Statutory and Regulatory requirements, namely but not limited to, Employment Law, H&S legislation, Agencies & Employment Business Legislation, Gang Masters Legislation, Data Protection and Welsh Assembly Government requirements.

At Director level, it is our aim to set and review quality objectives which are relevant to improving our effectiveness, efficiency and raising our customers’ perceptions of our service. We will use a management review process as the main method for this.

We have appointed an Operations Support Manager whose role it is to manage the day to day running of the Quality Assurance System and provide effective management information.  We will use this information as part of the management review process to determine continued suitability, adequacy and effectiveness and to ensure that this process takes place in a timely and consistent manner.  


At Director and Senior Management levels, we continue to review both our operational resources and the resources required in order to maintain the integrity of the Quality Assurance System.

Our primary operational resource is the workforce, which we support by providing the optimal equipment necessary to enable them to work effectively, namely a well-resourced IT system and the premises from which to work. We provide our teams with the training to undertake the tasks they are required to do and ensure that they are competent to work for the Company. The Operations Support Manager is responsible for the maintenance of records of relevant training and development.

We recognise individual expertise in certain sectors and fields of work i.e. catering, clerical and driving.


The Company has well-developed systems, supported by competent staff, which ensures that our services can be delivered in a timely, consistent and customer focused manner.



The first point in our service delivery is to clearly understand what our customers want.  In order to deliver these outcomes to our customers, we have to fully understand what is needed. We also have to be aware of any statutory requirements that may impinge on this – in particular Employment Law.

When we receive orders for our services we check, with different levels of complexity that we understand our role, and that the customer understands our terms and conditions and what we can (and cannot) do. We also maintain regular dialogue with our customers to inform them of our progress, ensure that their requirements have not changed and that if they have, we reflect this in our service delivery.


As we define the identification of candidates and their placement as our ‘service’ this means that our purchasing is mainly advertising and consumables, stationary and utilities in addition to capital expenditure. We have a standard purchase order and nominated levels of authority for approval. In respect of the approval of suppliers it is necessary to understand that within this come local and national newspapers and trade magazines, and local radio stations. We follow basic principles of approval on the basis that suppliers can deliver what is required when

we require it, and review performance on an annual basis. It will inevitably be the case that occasionally we will need to purchase from suppliers not on an approved list, and sometimes continue to deal with suppliers who are not providing the service we require but have no alternative source.

In the event that a customer wishes to verify our processes at our premises or our suppliers this will be part of our contractual definition, similarly we will reserve the right to verify our suppliers’ processes if required.


The recruitment process involves matching customers’ requirements with candidates who have skills and experience to fulfil the specific job roles. Although this is a simplistic view and some of our recruitment activities require a high level of input and expertise, the underpinning processes are similar. We identify the customer’s requirements and agree terms of reference, we search for suitable candidates, we ensure that candidates have the skills, knowledge, experience and competence to do the job, we bring together the customer and the candidate(s), we pay temporary placements and we invoice our customers for the work we do.

The Itris CRM database underpins many of the activities and is the central recording tool for both customer and candidate information, and the communication which takes place between Vibe Recruit personnel and these parties.  


The Company fully understands the importance of evaluating its services and continual improvement. It is also fully committed to ensuring that this quality system is working effectively, and this is achieved by carrying out regular audits of all the documented activities, holding management reviews and encouraging its entire staff to look for more effective ways to work.


We have many approaches to determining customer satisfaction which include direct contact with the customer (account management) and customer satisfaction surveys. We use the

feedback from these to continue to improve our services and to inform the management review process.


Internal audits are planned and undertaken to demonstrate both conformity of the system and to ensure that the system is effectively implemented.  The Operations Support Manager will undertake internal audits and will be appropriately trained. Managers understand their responsibilities to resolve any issues discovered during the audit process.


Recruitment is not a manufacturing process and therefore requires a different approach. We use regular checks in respect of the information on the Itris CRM database to ensure accuracy and integrity of this data. We also use volumetric measures in respect of placements and other similar ‘successful outcome’ measures. Underpinning this is the effective training of the individuals who deliver our service. There is therefore a greater emphasis on staff capability and ability than on mechanical performance.


Essentially, we define non-conforming services in respect of recruitment activities as one in which, for whatever reasons, the candidate does not match the customer’s specification.  Events such as this will lead to customer dissatisfaction. As a service industry, we have to take preventative approaches that minimise the possibility of events like this occurring. We achieve this by training and by monitoring staff, and continuously monitoring our processes. However, we do acknowledge that things go wrong sometimes, usually due to human error, poor communication or a dispute over costs. When these occasions arise, we take a proactive approach to rectify the situation from the customer’s perspective and from the internal aspect. The resolution of these events may result in additional training for the individuals involved, management support, and a change to processes or any other appropriate action that may be indicated.


We have developed our own measures of effectiveness in respect of the Itris CRM database usage and customer satisfaction.  Much of this information is reviewed through management meetings and the resulting improvements are implemented. Other data will include the results of audits and surveillance visits, system improvements, and management observation.


We are committed to continually improving the standards of our services and as such we have established quality objectives that are reviewed through management review meetings. We have a procedure in place that defines our response and resolution methods when we identify that ‘things have gone wrong’. This includes identifying how this or other similar issues can be prevented in the future. Also, by taking a proactive approach to management we can identify or predict where problems might occur and work to avoid such an occurrence.